Isuca #01 — Calling Your Shot

January 23rd, 2015


Censoring can’t do much damage to what is already broken to the core.


After it began with the flasher/centipede spending over a minute playing with its food, I was getting all geared up to rant about pacing and tension again, but then someone started fellating an arrow and the first thing to follow the OP was a bunch of shots over girl’s asses and chests, followed by the side character air-groping imaginary breasts and then a cut to a closeup of the school nurse’s crotch, hidden by her crossed legs. There hadn’t even been five minutes of actual show yet. Before we’d reach the halfway point, there’d be another girl with her cleveage hanging out and he’d be caught staring up the titular character’s skirt. The second half would get even worse. I suspect it’d be even trashier if not for the broadcast censorship, although I think the nuclear nipples and labia probably helped to add scarce entertainment more than hurt. Oh, and the ED is pretty much entirely them naked and bent over or with their legs spread, waiting to be ploughed. Also mustaches for some reason. I don’t understand Japanese fetishes.

So it’s pretty much in the same vein as Testament, only with a little more emphasis on stripping over masturbating, and more pretending like it has action. The way it likes to put together an action scene is to have someone stand there and pose (or roar) and then arrows or lightning hit them from off screen. Then we cut to their clothes exploding, or someone’s face stuffed in a crotch, or for the parts that are really important, them simply hovering in mid air, moaning orgasmically as their clothes explode. I think it’s music that was most insulting though, but that could just be how godawful the entire scene was when the triumphant theme kicked in, she redid her hair, and then immediately killed it in a single shot. All the previous ones were just for practice.

Even discounting the shameless fanservice, laborious pacing, and nonexistence budget, there’s always the characters waiting around the corner. The male lead especially mostly consists of a gigantic walking sponge going “Nuh?” “Huh?” “Wha?” The two females aren’t much better, being little more than the standard cliches hastily thrown on screen to beat the sponge but also blush and have their lady parts tremble every time he so much as looks at them.

I’m leaving the rusty crown of mediocrity in a sea of even worse ilk for least abhorrent magical girlfriend at magical school show with Absolute Duo.

Posted in Anime | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Germanguy says:

    Well, at last she not moan like in heat

  • Sanjuro says:

    Why did they look like Yasuomi Umetsu characters in the ED?

  • Gambi says:

    Wtf was that? Why did that lighnting wolf just paitently wait while she even rearragned her friggin ribbon and said her overly long mystical spell?! They even said that you were able tp tell by his eyes that he was bad shit mad… And what’s with the random mustache in the ED?

    • Germanguy says:

      my bet? This suspicious white robe girl is controlling him. Do you really think, this Beast is a Pervert? Strip naked her only for his love? No someone is controlling him, some that want to see her naked and moan in ultimate ecstasy while sucked her life force away..

  • Germanguy says:

    Just for my collection. Will there be a uncensored version aired? or is this all saved for the blu-ray?