Death Parade #01 — Friday Night Fever, Baby!
January 9th, 2015
That was… quite the OP to recalibrate the ol’ expectations.
I’ll get to Garo a little later. I need a break. I glanced at the episode already. It’s 20 minutes of Leon getting picked up by a family of famers and farming, so the only surprise is that they’re spending an entire episode on that before they’re inevitably attacked by a grue and he’s forced to pick up the sword again.
The rest of the episode dialed expectations right back to where they originally were. I think it did get too caught up in its “What a twist!”s, although I’m not sure what annoyed me more, the double double twist that it was her having an affair after all and she made all that up on the spot, all the random ‘accidental’ throwing that hit the boards, or the tagline at the end that ‘good’ prevailed. It really didn’t need the director popping out of the bushes to yell “Gotcha!” three or four times in sequence like that, and I think somewhere along the way he forgot that she would have sacrificed herself if not for him jerking her hand back to the bullseye… unless that was part of her master plan that is. Quintuple twist! It would have greatly benefitted from just a single deeper twist. I found the way they didn’t use his name (that I can remember, I may have been dozing though) suspicious, so I was expecting some big love speech about how much she loved X and wanted X’s baby, with one of his plot convenient amnesia holes being that he’s not X. Alas.
Still, being the first new show so far this season that makes me actually want to say something about the content instead of how absolutely nothing happened is a very significant accomplishment, even if this season hasn’t been full of dreadfulness. They’ve got budget and solid direction, although more than once they did certainly throw around dynamic transforming bar, or dynamic CGI dart throw for reasons I can only imagine were “The animators are getting too loud with their whores again and need something to keep them busy.”
What mostly concerns me is that I don’t really see how they can make this a week in week out affair without running the premise and twists into the ground. That’s absolutely the opposite of a reason to stop watching after one episode though, so we’re already sitting on top of the heap for the season. The ugly, stinky heap.
Apparently Funi’s version had a preview for next week. The actual broadcast seems to have an ad for the DVD instead. Oh well.
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