GARO #12 — Cock Blocked

December 19th, 2014


You get nothing. Just a big sloppy kiss from dead mom.

I had meant to mention it yesterday, but for the interested, Kamiradi got a ton of promotional stuff posted, along with a relatively (extremely relatively) slick OP vid.


I don’t like much what they did with this episode. They were going for all is lost but Leon barely had a character or even ambitions to begin with. If they had shown Leon being revenge obsessed to the exclusion of other things any point before this, or with a real hard-on for his dead mother that he never met, or obssessed with having super powers, or really anything besides just “the armor used to be hard to control,” I might have been able to see it, but his dark side berserker turn came from the shocking reveal that his mother was in horrible pain when she… burned to death… and then skeleton incest. It also makes me wonder what the point of those parts where he goes to the moon to visit his vampire friend were. Are they still “That Time of the Month” buddies? It’s also hard to think that Mendoza’s really dead, particularly when they make it a point of going “That was sure easy and anticlimactic.” He was swallowed by his own monster out of nowhere and then simply disappeared. His apprentice is also still around after all, although if she does as much in the second half as Girl Alchemist has in the first, then his plans are pretty much screwed. At least it was eventfulish though. I’ll take that over the flashbacks of last week.

I also don’t really know where they go from here while killing time waiting for Mendoza’s inevitable return. I mean, I presume he’ll bum around, some family will take him in, and he’ll be called back to action by… whatever, but he didn’t really have much of a character to start with, so there’s not a big arc to be had unless they’re going to start rewriting him entirely. Not an entirely unwelcome prospect, but I really don’t want to sit through any number of episodes of him angsting about.

Posted in GARO | 13 Comments »

13 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • ZakuAbumi says:

    Everyone hates Leon. Alfonso is the new hotness.

    Anyway, next episode pretty much writes itself:

    -Leon’s at a river bed, found by a little girl and her father
    -“I think he’s still moving!”
    -wakes up in a bed, some arbitrary body part covered in bandages, probably his shoulder
    -generic exchange between Leon, the grumpy but good-natured father, the worrying mother and the cheery little girl
    -as a compensation and to “earn his bread” (- father), works on the field
    -realizes that being a normal human being ain’t that bad after all
    -realizes that these simple folks are the people he should have protected, finds a new sense in what he did
    -also realizes that through working on the field, he’s made himself useful and that there’s some worth to him after all
    -happy times
    -some B plot going on about how the family is poor results to one of the family members turning into a monster, killing another one
    -through the power of feelings and determination to earnestly protect someone, Leon gets a new armor
    -saves the little girl
    -Leon draws comparisons between the now-without-any-parents girl and himself
    -realizes he’s been wrong all along
    -new determination has been found, may the journey go on!
    -cut to some dark forest with Mendoza spawning out of nowhere
    -cliffhanger of the season

    Time for some betting sessions.

    • Aroduc says:

      Next episode? At anime pacing, that’s like 5.

    • algorithm says:

      Leon doesn’t do a very good job at getting any sympathy. I guess you can always put the blame on his obsession with his dead mother he never knew.

      • ZakuAbumi says:

        So much this. Alfonso’s basically new to this and several miles more competent than him. And way less whiny about it. Heck, he even wants to be part of the show. Not Leon though.

  • algorithm says:

    No flashbacks? For real?

  • ark noir says:

    So Tommy turns form green ranger to white ranger and all I’m thinking is his master Rafael must be thinking ‘you s.o.b’ in hell after training and dying for him to inherit his armor.

    P.S “Gimme it back, gimme back my armor”. I love you whiny Leon.