Garo #09 — Terror of the Door

November 28th, 2014


Oh no! Not the guy with terminal coughing!

Japan’s being slow with the raws. Blame me not having to work today. Subtitles are so… annoying.


Ugh, another prince episode. Plus training? What joy! This one got off to an especially poor start by going with some truly Chaika-level writing with both Princey and Red wanting a strong monster to train, and wouldn’t you know it? There just happens to be a super evil monster that murders the hell out of everything in a 50 mile radius that nobody could be assed to deal with. And like Chaika, they recognize how ridiculous this is, ask about it, go “Not enough people” and then proceed to throw two and a half of the most legendarily legendary people at it. I’m counting Oakman and his Anime Terminal Coughing Disease and Chronic Tragic Flashbacks as half a person, although since he’s obviously part tree, it’s probably less than that.

Anyway, monster turns out to be a giant door, kissing cousins team up, Princey gets his armor, Lumberman dies. I’m not sure what Red got from that ‘training’ though. Okay, it was the first horror they’ve actually struggled with in any meaningful way, but again, it was a door. And after all the evil in the hearts of men yada yada monsters that have dominated things, the pitched training battle against a large door fails to inspire much excitement. I also really don’t know what Princey’s supposed to add to things. A second wet blanket to Dad’s antics? Now they’re really going to kill the corrupted guy who started all the witch burnings that killed Mom/Wife? Can’t we just actually use one of the females for something for once? Either of them are more interesting than him and both have been relegated so far to nothing more than plot devices.

Next Episode:

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