Cross Ange #07 — Titty Twister

November 15th, 2014


There was the semblance of a sensical episode in here somewhere.


To recap, because once again, I think that does a better job describing the weird writing of this episode than any indignation I could muster, Ange was causing trouble by not following orders, then walked in on Flat Boss pretending to be a magical girl. So, afraid that people would tease her if they found out, she attempted to murder Ange in the bath. During the fight, she grabbed Ange’s tit, and then Ange tried to do the same, but there was nothing to grab! Which apparently escalated things. Because of this, Ange got sick (and there was another unrelated lesbian threesome at the same time), but then things got extra dangerous when a giant gravity dragon showed up and stomped them all, so sick Ange had to fly out and rescue all their asses, whereupon they all learned a valuable lesson about working together and exuberantly molested/squirted each other in the bath.

There were the hints of what could have been a surprisingly regular episode about learning the importance of being a team by showing them acting like a well-oiled machine against something Ange wouldn’t have been able to fight on her own, and that Ange is a teammate for the other side as well, but that seems to be something that slipped by the writers since they just had her show up delirious and follow one order to use its own gravity against it. Apparently that was good enough to solve everything and make them all boob buddies. It even cured her cold. The director was also not exactly all on board either for that matter, as the opera was in rare form this week for the most random of things. They were also abusing the cut-ins during the dogfight especially badly. I think they didn’t feel like animating much this week either.  

Next Episode:

Secret call from little sister means swimsuit episode and dogs in skirts.

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