Grisaia #01 — Manservice
October 5th, 2014
Have to balance out all the panty shots somehow.
I would be more annoyed with the standard lame VN tour de girls, but frankly, after four minutes of being subjected to the chirpy nasally voice of the teacher, moving on to any other voice would have been like ear ambrosia. What I got instead was multiple pans over the protagonist’s ass, and a maid. And then the panty shots began. As did the weird bullet time of tackling people on couches. I guess I’ll chalk that up to the same line of thought that led to the theatrical black bars for the entire episode and desks that switched back and forth between CGI and not for no explicable reason. There’s certainly a lot of directoral things going on, but I can’t say I felt much of it worked and I think a lot was in there just for the sake of having it. Still beats a pan over a ceiling, I guess.
Since the ‘plot’ was basically “Guy goes on a tour of girl, 4-5 minutes each, all must receive at least one panty shot” it was a pretty boring affair. The protagonist was a bit above average, mainly for maintaining his poise and some dry wit, but too much of the comedy still relied on being screamed at by Japanese women. The whole foreshadowing montage at the end over the entire cast was also gratuitous as hell and I suspect mainly there because the rest of the episode was devoid of just about any hint that something might happen at some point, like they’re saying “No, look guys. IEDs, crashing buses, graves, stuff’s gonna happen! For realsies!”  Â
Posted in Grisaia | 8 Comments »
I was surprised by how nice this looked. I mean it’s not visually *stunning*, but I was expecting bottom of the barrel stuff considering this is the studio behind Infinite Stratos 2.