GARO #03 — My Precious!

October 21st, 2014


Don’t worry, Moonface has this.


At least the monster design improved this week. Even the ugly CGI that mixes in with the 2D art like oil and water was a step up this week. It’s nice that the budget hasn’t collapsed yet. It does need to start developing a bit more of a rival or antagonist in the near future though. Team Protagonist isn’t struggling with the monsters of the week, learning any valuable lessons from fighting them, nor are they bringing anything new or interesting to the picture. I would have thought that a knight who had been corrupted would have been a good possible one, but apparently not so.

However, I’m starting to get a bit sick of how coy they’re being with… I don’t even know what to call it, the monster secret society? They keep throwing out random babble or gasping about something and simply wandering off. You hide that kind of thing by having a ton more going on around it, something this episode was somewhat lacking through the first half. They could have also done a bit better job with the monster of a week being corrupted. It wasn’t really all that clear even why he went all monstery. Jealousy? His master’s disappointment in him? Cruelty? He just wants the ring because… power? To do… what? The answer is apparently just “to be evil.” And then we had a mid-battle astral voyage to the moon to talk to a giant face. Because why not. 

Next Episode:

Bloodville? Really? Really?

Posted in GARO | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • algorithm says:

    I would have been disappointed if you didn’t use that as a title.