Akame #13 — The ‘Funny’ Episode

September 28th, 2014


For a certain definition of humor.


Another fairly uneventful episode, but it did show some inklings of moving in a somewhat better direction with the major characters and their conflict. Only for about three to four minutes, mind, so still not, you know, a passing grade, but any step away from cackling psychopaths to whom doing evil is a 24/7 job is a move in the right direction. It’d be a much better show if they had started with some manner of mutual enemy/monster like they have here and conflicted over philosophies or methodology instead of just one side being ridiculously eeeeevil. Not that the vigilante vs police thing is particularly new or interesting, but cliches become cliche for a reason.

Again though, the protagonist side was almost entirely faffing about and comic relief, with the ultimate accomplishment this week being “We should do something at some point… but not this episode.” Thrilling events afoot here. At least they seem to have finally given Tatsumi’s dead friends a rest for good and nobody felt the need to get mopey over any of the other dead characters or go into some kind of post traumatic attack so the persistent tone clash issues weren’t there. I guess String Guy got his obligatory half-assed minute-long flashback background finally. Whoopie doo. Probably means they’ll off him next week so they can flashback to the flashback.

Next Episode:

Just do her already.

Posted in Akame | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • algorithm says:

    Next one is beach antics and flashbacks. You’ll looove it.