Terra Formars #01 — Wait, Wait… Add Some Rape
August 22nd, 2014
Yeah. Now we have maximum despair.
I think the OVAs for this show are a prequel-like thing for an upcoming series. I… really need to get on top of next season.
This did not start well. Bad CGI, feet, static shots of scenery, etc. And then they run into an alien who immediately breaks the girl’s spine. This is not the killer blow that one might expect though. After that, he launched into a flashback about saving her from being beaten and possibly raped, and was about to inject himself with bug-drug, but she reached up, stopped him, and started talking before dying for realsies. It was almost comical how they took what could have at least been a somewhat jarring death (it wasn’t), stretched it out for a few minutes and essentially retconned in some rape for added despair. What followed after that was expositionriffic, so we certainly can’t call it an exciting or action packed episode. The best they had was some quick cuts and smacking the camera Â
I don’t like comparing shows to others, but I really can’t help but think of this as a blatant attempt to capitalize on Attack on Titan’s popularity. There are simply too many parallels, from the CGI pseudo-humans to the ineffectual attempts to be shocking with half-assed gore. Oh, but they have a bunch of severed heads instead of people getting crunched. Totally different. It also doesn’t help when they’ve got a guy doing pro wrestling moves in the middle of their despair moments. It also shares Attack on Titan’s lack of a budget which doesn’t bode well for the series to come.Â
I was extremely unimpressed, but I don’t understand Attack on Titan’s popularity either. They’re basically the same thing from where I’m standing, just with antmen instead of giant anatomy dummies. This episode did cover a little more ground than what I remember of AoT’s early episodes, but I don’t want to see any more of any of these characters. I can’t take this dark despairing situation they’re in seriously. It’s like a Mexican soap opera for despair, and they’re not in on the joke.
Posted in Terra Formars | 7 Comments »
Never knew that there was an adaptation of TF in the works so that post caught me by surprise.
I read the manga until 75 or so, but you’re kinda on the right path with comparing it to AoT although with a few differences.
Humanity as a whole is kinda fucked, though for other reasons than these monsters attacking – so far there was only limited contact with them (not sure if that’s touched on the OVA as I haven’t seen it yet).
In trying to remedy the original problems, humans just made things worse for themselves.
It has a large cast too, but weaker characterization kinda makes it hard to care about any of them. Combine that with almost no discernible plot armor, you never know who might get wrecked next.
Intrigues (political in a sense too) between different factions like in AoT also exist, but again it’s done rather bluntly in TF. You’d think if humanity is threatened as a whole, they’d get their shit together – but nope, individual agendas prevail.
Btw. these things haven’t originated from ants but cockroaches, hence why they’re such persistent buggers.