Rurumo #01 — CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!?
July 9th, 2014
So much yelling…
 This is ground well-trodded, by that show about making wishes for flying panties more than any other, right down to the first cognizent wish being to become invisible. Although the desire to put a bra on a girl is a little different from molesting everyone in sight. That could be its biggest issue too. Everything here is just so by the numbers that it’s boring. Originality is overrated compared to execution, but the whole episode I couldn’t stop thinking “I’ve seen this before. Possibly every single one of these jokes. Are you going to do anything at all new?”    Â
The production here’s… all right, I guess. If you can ignore the frequently blocky art, it is at least more animated and expressive than most things this season and it never stops trying to be a comedy for any ill-advised forays into melodrama. It’s just a shame that the primary way it expresses itself is “loud,” so its efficacy as a comedy goes mainly back to the usual overreaction bit. It’s the typical Shouty and Deadpan comedy pairing with the same jokes that if you’ve watched anime for any length of time you’ve probably seen a thousand times before.
I wouldn’t be surprised if others got better mileage out of it since this episode pretty much was carbon copy of a number of every other magical girlfriend plus pervert comedies out there, of which JC Staff alone has probably done at least half, but a comedy that didn’t make me laugh even once is not a good start.
Next Episode:
Leaf eating.
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Hmm…. Well, I like some aspects of the character designs, but the hair is horribly plain yet again. And what is anime without hair that defies the law of physics? It is shit, that’s what it is, so I’ll give this three episodes to see if character designs, story, and the cat can do anything for me.
However, if I’m going to suffer through 12-episodes of crappy hair, it had better be a fairly compelling story.