Locodol #01 — Your Pool Sucks

July 3rd, 2014


And so do you.


Another one of those shows that got as far as “has cute girls” and then sent everyone but the artists and animators home without even remembering to really get to the “cute” part. And then, with no oversight, they threw a party in the office and the strippers got into the ink, which is really weird since this stuff’s all digital these days, but somehow they got into the ink. One of the interns left with Chlamydia, which is the name of a stripper. She gave him crabs.

The thrust of there is that this show is made of sludge with the thinnest veneer of idols slopped on top. Production is very poor all around and the characters are the same ones you’ve seen in 95% of the other idol or “girl reluctantly joins club” shows out there. It featured such hilarious jokes as “You’ll be a local idol!” “I can’t do that!”, “Go on stage in your swimsuit!” “I can’t do that!” and “You’re doing well,” “No I’m not!” so you can already see that its a frontrunner in the comedy department too. There’s not even T&A. There’s nothing but the occasional silly face.

I suspect that if you watched this and Glass Lip at the same time, your brain might leak out of your ear. I’m not willing to test that hypothesis.

Posted in Anime | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    “Another one of those shows that got as far as “has cute girls””

    This. 100% agreed on that.

  • Milenkov says:

    Oh god, Blonde chick in pink swimsuit is a bustier Kirino… yeah I’m not touching this one.

    Also, curious Arucard, have you looked into Jojo’s Stardust Crusaders at all? any thoughts/opinions if so?