Barakamon #01 — Anal Attacks On Strangers

July 5th, 2014


Less hilarious than you might think.


That was kind of an odd opening sequence. The whole calligraphy thing is already cultural, but even NBA players generally need at least a beer thrown in their face before their snap and start attacking hecklers. Also, calligraphy hecklers? Really?

Anyway, that’s just the thin excuse for the very, very, very tired cliche of “city guy moves to country, makes faces about all the country things they do, and learns about life from gentle country folks.” This one has an extra helping of obnoxious screaming children running around out of control, sticking their hands up people’s butts. Again, this is a cultural gap that I, someone who has written an anime blog and translated strange Japanese pornography for half a decade, do not feel like I can let pass with a simple “Oh those silly Japanese kids.”

Production’s fine. Not terribly impressive beyond the weirdly overanimated punch to the chops, but aside from the direction espousing Captain Calligraphy’s crazy ink flinging at the start and end, there’s nothing really interesting about it. Same with the content which is pretty much just “He moves to countryside, obnoxious kid spends day bothering him.” You don’t need an epic storyline, but good god, put in at least some structure and purpose to the episode, even if it’s just Uncle Jessie learning a valuable lesson about reckless neutering. Instead, there’s all the same standard looking out over the valleys and ocean to bask in nature nonsense while soothing violins play, and then making shocked faces when Things Are Different! Maybe there’s a little more slapstick/physical comedy, but as I’m not a dyed in the wool fan of these kinds of shows, I couldn’t really say much more beyond that. Without any strong comedy, it has to carry itself on how much you feel for the characters, and they’re about as generic as it comes too.  

Maybe I just don’t see the inherant wonderment of simple country people. Maybe I have no romantic dreams of living without technology. Maybe I just haven’t eaten enough panko-crusted rice today. Who knows?


Posted in Anime | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Jack says:

    Ugh. More horrible opening music. If you’re going to rip off American folk pop, when not just hire The Replacements or Britney Spears and do it correctly.


  • The Phantom says:

    The story looks very cliche, and resorts to screaming and faces for humor. Rather unremarkable other than the awesome punch to the old man which we should have more often in all shows: when there is no other excuse to go to the country side, just punch the old man â„¢.

  • Sanjuro says:

    I liked it. It was nice and relaxing.

  • JCA says:

    I take it that children with a fisting fetish won’t be the subject of your next game.

  • rufe says:

    I take it you’ve never worked with elementary-aged children in Japan then? Enema special (deluxe enema?) is an old favorite ><

    • rufe says:

      On the flip side, some Japanese intellectuals I’ve spoken to think the Puritan attitude (educated in the US so Puritan) that treats normal childhood interest in poop and other bodily functions as some major taboo that requires discipline is not healthy or is even positive reinforcement for children aiming to get a rise out of their parents or other adults.

      I have to admit, they have a point. I know I found poop and farts funny as a kid, myself.