No Game, No Life #03 — Blitz Chess

April 23rd, 2014


And despite the “rush the entire board” move, may take longer than actual blitz chess.


After the bizarre addition of slapstick last week, this continues the trend by again dumping in a whole bucket full of something that would have been singularly out of place in previous episodes; stale visual gags. At least they didn’t dwell on them, but that’s not keeping this show from feeling any less haphazardly put together or dragging. The entire first half could more or less be summed up by “Look! An elf!” But they’re really half-assing any overtures of her being evil too, so where’s the tension even supposed to be?

At least until the halfway point, at which it became the world’s most obviously author dictated game of chess, although calling it chess is probably pushing it. They tried to act like it was regular chess, but not really regular chess, for about three minutes. Then the shouting began and every piece started moving all at once based on the sheer overwhelming charisma and cuteness of the characters, so of course the wunderkinds are unstoppable aside from magical ass-pulling, which they obviously overcome as well, by doing the exact same thing as before, only louder.

Posted in No Game | 11 Comments »

11 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Afrosquirrel says:

    I like this series because it has a lot of pretty colors.

  • datchison18 says:

    This anime is hella colorful. Kinda hurts my eyes at times when it gets bright

  • ZakuAbumi says:

    Plural forms of Germanisms are all the evil in the world.

    Uh, oh, yeah, the chess game. I guess that was pretty hilarious despite basically being randumb while the writing was pretending to be smart.

  • wtfwtf says:

    This whole anime is nowhere, nowhere as smart as it thinks it is. *Ahem* typical light novel adaptation *ahem*

  • elior1 says:

    this episode proves that the brother and sister are not over power becouse when shiro was fighting she lost the chess game even if she won gamemaster 50 times as said in the first episode also when sora came back he hasitate if to attack becouse of the brainwash

  • elior1 says:

    @aurdoc this anime is only about fun and never going to make itself sirously

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    Shiro is so manly! Yet cute! Manly cute! or Cute Manliness!

    Cuteness is all that matters in the world!

  • algorithm says:

    And I was scared that they were gonna force some chess on us. Turned out it was actually just some regular bullshit.

  • Yue says:

    Today, chess players around the world shed a tear.

  • Warlock says:

    I actually want to play it. It’s interesting in concept and it means you can not sacrifice pieces perfect for my defensive strategy.