Water Closet #08 — Mustache Alliance

March 1st, 2014


No, seriously. What was with that guy in the elevator?


I feel like I should have liked this episode a lot more than I did. They actually did an acceptable job with the action this week and had two parts of the episode that… sort of came together in the end, I guess. It’s probably because the first half extremely directionless and for lack of a better word, just plain insipid, so by the time the significantly stronger second half rolled around, I was also half in a daze. They introduce a new antagonist before the OP and then it’s like… eight minutes of nothing but children’s fair space-filler antics. Plus a Mustache-off. It could also be because the speaking pattern they chose to go with for the new antagonist also irritates the hell out of me. At least it was fake, but still lasted a good 19 minutes of the episode. Or maybe it’s because her plan was apparently to hypnotize them all and then… sit around? At least make them rob a bank or throw them in jail or something. It’s like they got as far as “She has hypnotism powers” and decided that was more than enough.

Elsewhere, the Mustache-Alliance fought a steamroller with a rolling pin in brazen defiance of physics right when the other part of the episode was finally apparently about to get ‘exciting.’ It actually kind of did, shockingly enough, because A-1 found some change under the sofa to animate the fight. I feel bad for the grunt whose job was apparently to stand with his back to everyone, staring at the corner of the elevator. I think the problem there was how horribly it was connected to the A plot of the episode. Right when the A bit is ostensibly coming to a head, it pulls away from it to go have Mustache Time for five minutes. Having a plot and subplot to an episode is well and dandy, but they should mesh together. Also not be preceded by half an episode’s worth of effort to put me to sleep.

Next Episode:


Old timey.

Posted in World Conquest | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Kitsu says:

    Just put some lesbian already