Tokyo Ravens #08 — Emo-Boy and the Helium Crows

November 26th, 2013


Just kiss already.


Boy, can I not think of a way I’d want that little showdown cliffhanger at the start to end that didn’t involve a pair of helium-voiced comic relief crows that look like they stepped straight out of a children’s show whining about doing your public duty. You can really feel the emo too now that his headband’s gone and his hair hangs over his eyes, displaying the darkness inside him that he can’t hold back. At least he isn’t immortal too. …At least that we know of. They could have at least sold it by having him actually lose control and be a danger to anyone, or even just use excessive brutality to gorily rip and tear something to shreds, but no. That’d take money and effort, while just clutching one’s chest and rambling about the evil within is cheap and easy. Hoo-ray.

Yeah, it was pretty much one of those episode, where a character is revealed to have some dark secret that will totally change everything except invariably changes nothing along with also having the benefit of giving the character super powers. You know, Light Novel Protagonist Character Progression #03 right after magical girlfriend and getting a stiffy for your sister. The only twist on the formula here is that it’s the side character and it was set to a tuneful male ballad. I guess the real twist is how little kicking there was. Play to your strengths, show.

Posted in Tokyo Ravens | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • kenuran says:

    I quite liked the part where Touji got up beat the hell outta Harutora at the beginning.

    Also, what the hell is with this show only having some of monsters be CG while others are drawn? Its like they just pick and choose at their whim.

  • The Phantom says:

    Show could indeed use more bloody beat-ups, the episode was good though, I like this show.

  • Anonymous says:

    Just so you know, in this episode the writers left out a few but still relevant details.
    In the novel Natsume, when Harutard apologized for not telling them about Touji being an half oni, reacted to him with “Well, now we’re even”.
    Of course I think there’s no friggin’ way those two “lies” could be at the same level

  • Novelism says:

    In the novel Natsume, when Harutard apologized for not telling them about Touji being an half-FFIV, reacted to him with “You’re sorry? Well, now we’re even”. The bitch.

  • dororoninpo18 says:

    im not sure, but i think you really hate people with immortality

    • FlameStrike says:

      I think it’s more of a reference to how FIRGGEN EMO SO MANY CHARACTERS WITH IMMORTALITY GET. I mean seriously, it’s grating on the nerves!

      I was surprised at the lack of kickening this episode though. I was sure Touji was going to kick the crap out of Harutora, but then I guess he woulda became a blood splatter.