Tokyo Ravens #04 — Peg-leg Professor

October 29th, 2013


Why does everybody at this school look like their head was caught in a wheat thresher?


Very dull character introduction episode. Having a plot isn’t a bad thing, guys. And I’m not talking about some kind of "save the world/girlfriend/fight the darkness within" major plot here, just the most absolute basic of structure to make the episode seem like it at least has some semblance of purpose. "He goes to school and meets some people," is a starting point, not the finished product. And to give you a benchmark for how exciting the episode was, the cliffhanger was him about to have a supervised mock battle. Anything but just a damn checklist of characters to run through. While we’re at it, let’s give the blushing a rest too. I don’t even know what he’s supposed to be blushing about at the start either. Is he aroused by empty rooms? There’s a metaphor for vaginas in there somewhere. He also blushed at the very end while watching Peg-Leg Professor walk away, so maybe they’re all just random teenage stiffies.

Anywho, we have principal character, peg-leg teacher, noble-type girl who looks like her hair was done by a rotini maker but she chickened out partway along with her two ugly CGI mechs, unaged magical girlfriend familiar, completely unnotable male classmate, and of course, all their other classmates with their always creepily deformed jelly heads staring in the background, nine times out of ten with their mouths hanging open. I also find it slightly suspect that half of them switched seats between the two classes. What’s over-the-shoulder-drill-hair plotting that requires her to move from the front row back to next to Harty? Then I looked further and saw that some were just copy-pasted between the two classtimes, but many were not, thus combining budget saving with… not? This was the point at which I decided that I had delved deep enough into the mysteries and excitement of this episode and that it was time to just stop before it led to madness.

Posted in Tokyo Ravens | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Fate says:

    One Lone Comment: fox familiar is op.

    • Atmo says:

      Loli foxy familiar! I wouldn’t think twice before “using” her at her fullest.

      Then, the question is: does she know how to cock? Festival and Beach episodes are coming…

  • The Phantom says:

    That teacher is extremely OP and maybe evil right? He kinda remind me of Aizen somehow.

  • Anonymous says:

    You worry about the details too much