Rozen Maiden Zuckerberg #06 — Simple Explanation: They’re Ducks

August 8th, 2013


That’s why the don’t get wet.


In a true triumph of the American legal system, I didn’t have to report for jury duty after all. Nobody in my pool did, which is a little unsettling when you think about it. Or maybe it was just the automated recording message insisting in the strongest of tones: "No juror should report to the courthouse tomorrow. I repeat, no juror should report to the courthouse tomorrow!" Oh. What about the episode? What about it?

After the slightest uptick where the director paid attention to the show because the fan favorite arrived, it was back to nothing heaped on nothing with a whole lot more nothing to cap it off, thus this journey continues primarily on spite and bitterness. Halfway through the show and the plot continues to brain itself on the starting gate while the characters wish that they could have the depth and growth of an average episode of Dora the Explorer. The closest thing to "something happening" the show has managed thus far is "Jun reads some stuff." Maybe it’s some kind of joke Deen’s pulling to see if they can fit in an entire episode’s worth of reading newspapers if they spread it out across the entire season. Christ, they didn’t even have the budget to show them being wet. The effects of a shower head to the face were a few drops of water simply dropped on top of their ridiculous hair and clothes. Is the budget that bad, Deen? 

Next Episode:

I welcome the annoyance now, if only for a change.

Posted in Rozen Maiden | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • skurai says:

    Aaaaaaaaand on todays show our two favorite toys GET WET and TAKE OFF THEIR CLOTHES and thus deen believes that the amount of stuff relevant to the show for the reminder of the episode is quite done… now onto more Fluff.

    • ark noir says:

      This type of dollservice happened in the first series.I remember the dolls getting changed, Jun walking in on them and getting anime styled embarrassed, but the dolls no- selling it was the unintentional funny part cos they’re DOLLS and he’s a shut in nerd who gets excited over nekkid dolls.

      P.S The humans in this anime are truly pathetic.

  • anise_punter says:

    “fan favorite arrives”

    *checks caps for Suiseiseki*

    Something’s wrong here.

  • Anonymous says:

    Nomad nostalgia fag, how sad.