Comiket Game Non-Rundown

August 6th, 2013

Edelweiss continues to make this exercise of mine largely irrelevant.

This counts as my post for the empty space this week. I’m really trying to push through my own final major work on Seinarukana. …And yet there’s still so much left to go…

Well, at least there’s certainly a number of games that look quite a bit graphically better than usual and only I think half as many Touhou sprite-swaps as usual. Maybe Reitaisai has made it too embarrassing to release them anywhere but it. Most of the ones that remain look like they were viciously savaged by disco. That said, the game that actually may intrigue me the most though is Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth. The senescent first one had some really amusing low-fi remixes and over the top animated attacks worth messing around with just to watch those. Or watch on Youtube if you’re some kind of lazy jerk. The Touhou Arkanoid clone has to win the award for most bizarre, narrowly beating out multiple Pikmin clones using Alice’s dolls and Suika’s mini-Suikas, although I know that someone at Lion Heart was so excited about programming a see-saw that they felt they had to showcase it in a trailer.

Ghost93 would be my pick for the most interesting looking trailer. Zenith Blue’s Obnoxious Title and PhotonSystem’s Nonent Concerto Distortion both seem to have far more advanced engines than they have any right to. Maybe the Area Zero’s been farming out MBA’s engine. They have a game in there too, but they’ve been making basically MBA over and over again for years now. And of course, the usual billion SHMUPs. Astebreed not terribly surprisingly seems to be leading the pack in that department. The Yuyuko Ikaruga clone looks more polished than most of them too. Amusingly, Territoire still hasn’t come out, pushing its dev time into three years and counting. That success from Recettear has done them such good. And Werk… Sigh. You said you’d unveil a new game, guys. At least a trailer. Instead? Im@s orgy porn. Jerks.

And a friendly reminder, I have jury duty on Thursday. Don’t count on anything getting covered with my normal alacrity, although since they allow laptops in the cattle herding rooms, who knows?

Posted in Doujin | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • nightshadow2239 says:

    Haha; blogging anime in the court waiting room. Well, sure as hell beats having to watch that introductory video of how to not to get shot in the face by talking about the case outside of the court.

    And hey, you be making a whopping 15 dollars a day! That’s 15 more than playing these new games!

  • The Phantom says:

    I don’t know what you see in those silly games…