V-Bros S.V. #03 — Like a Wookie

June 16th, 2013


With acid magnets.


Aaah. That was significantly better. The COBRA stuff was kind of lame though. They’re such a ripe field for parody, especially Destro (even if that’s basically what Underbeit already is…) not to mention ground that Robot Chicken has trodden practically flat so you’d think they could at least steal a joke somewhere… and all we really got was Not-Cobra Commander shouting and like… that’s it. I don’t even know why Not-Baroness showed up. I would’ve said to make sure that the reference didn’t go over anybody’s heads, but then they bludgeoned it home later. It could have also stood, like most of this season, to have narrowed the focus more. I’d much rather have seen more of the Sphinx stuff than any of the Monarch stuff or… sigh… any of Hatred period. Why is he still not gone yet? And why does he still have breasts? And Dean’s just being tiresome too for that matter. All that stuff just seemed there to pad out the episode an extra five minutes and wasn’t really connected at all, not even really at the end like they like to do.

Anyway though, much funnier than the last couple, particularly the first half. Hank in the female battlesuit was a tad disturbing though, mostly in the good way, but disturbing nonetheless. The acid magnet bit at the start deserves particular mention. That’s more of the parody that I expect and enjoy from the series rather than just straight up somewhat boring 80s references to clap one’s hands to like a harp seal. I am sorry to see Sphinx go though. They were one of the main highlights of last season. Hopefully they give the "Hank as an awesome superhero" thing a rest for a while now too. Long gone are the days of Mecha Shiva and I kind of miss that overexuberant incompetence he used to have.

Posted in Venture Bros | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jingoi says:

    Less moobs, no more emo-lite Dean, more patrick warburton.
    Those close ups of Hank in the suit….time for brain bleach!

  • nightshadow2239 says:

    Aww… too bad Sphinx is dead now. Wanted to see Gary flounder a bit more.

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    I like how you didn’t mention the shoehorned in subplot with the Monarch, Dr. Girlfriend and Rusty.

    Seriously, they only did that just to give them something to do.

  • PokeNirvash says:

    Clearly something’s wrong when you think Hank being awesome is a bad thing.

  • sage says:

    Why is he still not gone yet? And why does he still have breasts?

    I accidentally looked at them for a split second and… they are also hairy now *shudder*

  • kenuran says:

    Well that Chuunibyou OVA comes out today. You gonna see it?