Gargantia #08 — Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

May 26th, 2013


This needs to air later if I’m going to get aggressively sarcastic about it.


Good god. Did they really just spend an entire episode angsting on over the funeral for a character who had done literally nothing in the show and I’m not sure I could say with certainty that any of the main characters even had a single interaction with? Let alone a meaningful one? Can I just leave it at that? Because this was easily the worst episode of the show to date. Dull, dull, dull, boring, dull, uneventful, boring, dull. Absolutely nothing happened unless you count a couple other ultra-tertiary characters with zero point standing slightly further away on a different ship now. I have a hard time counting that because they could just not show up period anyway because they’re too busy being utterly irrelevant to the lack-of-a-plot anyway.

Not even pretend-happened like them arguing over pseudo-alien marine life before deciding to continue doing absolutely nothing. Ye lords, they didn’t even go with the obvious, obvious chance to let Ledo commit some kind of massive social faux pas by doing something like asking why they aren’t cooking and eating him with some of that magical BBQ sauce that he got molested by men to obtain. He’s a soldier. People die all the time. You can’t spend an entire goddamned day pissing about every time someone does.

Posted in Gargantia | 8 Comments »

8 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anon says:

    Well, this Episode was a “Chill Out” one. to let sink all this, perhaps we get to the Action from now on

    Ledo is a Soldier. He is used to see Peoples die.
    Peoples of Gargantia are not. It still Hurt, losing someone

    But i am curious. How the Fights will go on. Ledo is using a Lance, and i bet he will use his beams only a Last Resort in the near of the Fleet. Because of the underwater accuracy. Well, i lean back and enjoy

  • Kinza Datteri says:

    “…obvious chance to let Ledo commit some kind of massive social faux pas by doing something like asking why they aren’t cooking and eating him with some of that magical BBQ sauce that he got molested by men to obtain.”

    I wonder, wouldn’t that be more like fondue rather than faux pas?

    That was indeed dull episode. I knew it the moment I noticed I started to read your blog while it was still playing on my screen.

  • Anonymous says:

    Took a while but I finally figured it out. I’ve been wondering why the Urobutcher didn’t kill anybody yet after like 8 fucking eps, now I see it. It’s boring just to butcher normal characters once again so this time the man came up with an even more ingenious plan: he will butcher the fucking damn show!!!

    Such a genius. Butcher a show is on a wholly different scale than just some minuscule characters. The Urobutcher is indeed living up to his name. You faggots clearly don’t get his geniosity.

  • algorithm says:

    You should have stayed with the titans. There are actually a few action sequences when it’s not about Jean standing still staring blankly at nothing.

    • icymirage says:

      I don’t think a show with lots of big naked guys is going to appeal to him.

      I would have expected him to pick up a crappy action show with service, like Bug Squad. That would have given him lots of material to blog about.

  • icymirage says:

    He wakes up just to die 10 seconds later. Really? I somehow got through that but only with large amounts of fast-forwarding.

    Petit Gargantia has been subbed. I wish Chamber had that personality in the the actual show.

  • kenuran says:

    Hey Aroduc have you played that Touhou 13.5 yet?