Dog Days #16 — Magic Powers Give +10 To Horniness
July 21st, 2012
I really have no idea what they’re doing with Becky.
Horizon’s broadcast is delayed 45 minutes today so… yeah. It already airs late, today it airs SUPER LATE.
This is pretty much the exact point in the first season when all the fun stopped, all the time wasting began, and then a whole lot of nothing. At least it’s already providing fertile ground for mocking it with frisbee time for the princess, Dog Whisperer playing fetch with the princess not to mention braiding Becky’s hair, and Becky continuing to be bizarrely sexual by pinning him down, tearing his pants off, and mounting him while demanding to know which one turned him on the most. It’s also worth noting that as soon as Becky had a chance, she began rubbing Cou’s ears, which if anime has taught me anything, are an erogenous zone on all animal people. Right in front of everybody. Meanwhile, Nanami was fantasazing about Becky rubbing Cou’s tail, an even more erogenous zone.
Anyway, the first half was the usual low calorie decency. The second half was… eh… Like I said, fertile ground and not really much else. A tour around the castle basically. Back to the more entertaining stuff. Becky and Cou cleaned house for a while until deciding to go for a full frontal attack on the princesses which ended well for neither and the cats ‘won’, I guess. I’ve already forgotten what this war was about and have my doubts about whether or not it was ever brought up. Let’s say that it’s about whether to have angel’s food or devil’s food cake at the next picnic.
Posted in Dog Days | 8 Comments »
>Becky blah blah blah
So they either put some real thought into the consequences of her suddenly being in another world, what with her drastically changed/unfamiliar environment greatly reducing the usual perceived consequences of her behavior, making her more reckless and prone to acting on an instinctual level; or they just decided to sexualize the hell out of her for no real reason and any actual correlation to behavioral psychology was totally coincidental. Place your bets!