Young Justice: Invasion #07 — Neptune’s Beard

June 9th, 2012


That got annoying quickly.


Now this was an eventful episode. In no particular order, Artemis rejoins the team, gets ‘killed’, is revealed to be alive and now wearing a perception filter (I blame Dr. Who for making these popular again), is being sent off to go be a runaway ‘kidnapped’ teen, Blaqualad is secretly a mole, Lagoonface was captured and sent off to be… whatevered…, and Connor broke up with MM because of all the mindraping further cemented when she tried to mindrape him. Aaaaah, it feels good to have things happening to actually talk about, unlike just about every other show this season. He says as he then begins to poke holes in it.

I’m really not sure what they’re trying to do with that last part. I get the powerful psychic and corruption angles, but that doesn’t mesh particularly well with teenage melodrama. Lagoonbrain probably isn’t helping either since he seemlessly made the transition from oaf with bad fish puns to ginormous fish jackass this week. It’s hard to feel any sympathy for either him or MM when they’re both acting like self-centered amoral dicks the entire time. Since when has mindraping ever been okay? She’s not even doing it in life or death situations now. She’s doing it so her boyfriend won’t break up with her for mindraping everything around her.

I do think they could’ve handled the whole Artemis ‘death’ thing a bit better too. Let’s not kid ourselves about what this show is and killing off a character like that, particularly by a former protagonist, is jumping quite a few notches on the violence chain in one go. Taking it down a step or three to just catastrophic injury resulting in coma or the like would’ve been a lot easier to swallow in a show that is always trying to be sooooo clever anyway with half the major developments being trickery of some sort or another. It probably would’ve helped if they hadn’t shown her ‘death’ at the very start of the episode too. I also laughed more than I should’ve at the team’s genius plan to fake Superman’s existence. It all hinges on nobody in the press pool… or at a supposedly historic launch… having brought binoculars… or a camera with a zoom. Great plan, team.

Very belated edit:
Apparently the show’s off for an indeterminate amount of time now, this apparently being the midseason finale. No clue when it’s coming back. I’ll deal with scheduling and whatnot if/when it does.

Posted in Young Justice | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Twi says:

    Well, I’m fairly certain this will blow up in their faces soon enough. This reminds me of the Red X episode in Teen Titans.

    • Aroduc says:

      The only plans that work are the ones they pull out of their asses after the fact to explain how the previous failure was actually part of the master plan. Any plan revealed before or as it’s set under way is doomed to failure. Law of the universe. Or at best, ends with “Unless X happens”, and X will invariably happen.

  • Vincent Giannell says:

    If Aqualad was working undercover the whole time, does this mean Tula might still be alive too?

    • Anonymous says:

      Knowing how this stuff generally goes? Black Manta’s probably the one responsible for her death, which would be why Aqualad’s so willing to go so deep into this plan.

  • universalperson says:

    Incidentally, it looks like this will be the last new episode in June, so I guess this might be the last episode of the season? Not a bad place to end, honestly.