Bodacious Space Pirates #01 — Only .0001% Bodacious
January 7th, 2012
It’s hard to comment on an episode with literally nothing in it.
Wow, was this boring as all hell. Where’s the hook? Where’s the pirating? Where’s the reason to keep watching? For that matter, where the hell did all the MiB go when a guy wandered in and started shooting at what were ostensibly schoolgirls? This episode was so so painfully slow and so little of the first 20 minutes or so held any real value. If they had started from the maid cafe at the end, I’m not sure if I’d have missed anything important that I didn’t already know from the show’s blurb. You don’t need to kill off 2/3rds of your cast to be a hook, but you’ve got to have something besides people commenting on a ship lazily drifting through space and then dinner with mom. I almost longed for Ararararagi to be screaming at me again. At least that was keeping me awake.
So we have pacing as a major issue from the get go. The production’s not exactly anything to write home either. The music’s not bad, I guess, but everything else is exceptionally mediocre. About the only visually interesting part was just after the interstitial when she had a flashback to what happened during the commercial break. Apparently before going to bed, she ODed on some kind of horrible drug because her flashback was full of blinding white light. Not even the amusing kind of light eminating from the crotches and breasts of Japanese feudal girl warlords either. Just… bright light over more talking. I think the most amusing part otherwise was when she typed "pirate" into her search engine, and this is what comes up. What the hell kind of search engine is that, Ask Jeeves?
So bleh. This episode was tremendously boring and covered practically nothing it promised. No space. No pirates. No bodacity. I’m not even sure I want to know what the Japanese think is ‘bodacious’, but I sure as hell know that this isn’t it.
99% more space at least.
Posted in Anime | 19 Comments »
You wouldn’t have guessed from the OP, because holy space Jesus, that was pretty epic.