Aquarion EVOL #01 — …The Future is a Strange Place

January 8th, 2012


Why are the toilets so… long?

Both episode 1 and 2 aired today. I’ll decide after episode 1 if I really want to watch both.


This show is definitely trying way too hard in places. The Badass Soldier Guy, for example, goes to the target range and shoots while blindfolded… but then has visions that make him miss. Hell, I can shoot blindfolded and miss all the time. What’s so special about that? And then there’s Token Useless Female Lead’s ‘cat’… which lives in her hair and barks. Even the toilets confuse me. Why are your toilets so long, future? What possible functionality does a long toilet have? And why is he sitting right on a filthy public toilet trough in a stall? Disgusting.

That last part would actually explain how he got his Main Character Disease. You’d think it’d be a sexually transmitted disease, but since none of them ever have sex, they get it from toilet seats. In this case, it manifests itself as making him glow and turn naked whenever he gets a stiffy. "Cute girl? Oh god, I’m turning naked and glowing!" Then after being crushed against her and declaring he’ll protect her, he opens his shoe, has a Main Charactergasm, grows wings, and turns into a plane which forces his new girlfriend, Sexy Nun and Badass Soldier Guy into some kind of impromptu glowing naked foursome ending in a combination mech while a pirate claps. …And the cat was watching. It’s no wonder the Japanese are so baffled by sex.

All joking aside… or perhaps because of it… it was at least amusing. I’m not sure that I was enjoying it at the level that the creators were going for though. The Music of Triumph only made me laugh more. I’m certainly not a fan of the CG mechs tromping around, but at least they’re actually using them to fight instead of stand around motionlessly or undulate. The show doesn’t have much of a budget otherwise. I think I will watch the second episode then (whenever it decides to make it to the interwebs) and save any other real thoughts for then. Maybe it’ll have some more criz-azy future toilets.

Posted in Aquarion | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Yue says:

    ikimasho minna.. GATTAI! Oooowooooh! Aaaaahn!

    this is so awesome.. same goes for legal space pirates!

  • K says:

    is that an extra hole in the toilet?

  • Nanaya says:

    “In this case, it manifests itself as making him glow and turn naked whenever he gets a stiffy. “Cute girl? Oh god, I’m turning naked and glowing!””

    And yet that is still better than that goddamned nosebleed cliche.

  • amyable says:

    Plenty of present-day toilets in Japan have that trough design (says I to a native Japanese speaker). Which must mean that, in the future, people have caught on to the superiority of Japanese everything. FINALLY.

  • Anonmyous says:

    Since when was Aroduc a “native Japanese speaker”?