Student Council Officers #15 — Removable Nipples

November 16th, 2011


How do you make orgasm-face jokes so boring?

I really need to pay more attention to OVAs schedules.


Well, so I say but like usual with this show, there’s not a whole lot to say. I still remember the very first episode fondly. So much energy, so much spirit. And after that… very very numbing mediocirity with only the occasional glimpses otherwise. It’s such a complete slave to its format and nothing gets in the way of comedy more than being completely predictible. Suzu can sort of carry the show at times because of a lot of her stuff is incidental and actually built up to instead of just a nonsequitor with a musical and visual stinger making 100% certain that you realize that the joke has been made and now it is time to laugh. This however, was not an episode that featured much of her. At least it didn’t feature much of that godawful Omigawa character either. I’ve forgotten her name, I don’t want to remember it, thank you very much.

Anyway, it was about as unfocused as usual, but I guess could be broadly divided into three bits. The first was random general student council enforcement stuff, mostly dress code. The second was standard pool stuff with only the sex-eyes goggles really standing out. The final part was a flashback to Shino and Amano’s grade school days. I should start a Flashback Jar and put a quarter in it every time I have to watch one. I figure that I’ll have enough saved up to buy a Prius by Christmas. Suzu swearing at the random English speaker was sort of amusing I guess, but I don’t even know what the point of the other 99% of the sequence was.


Posted in Student Council | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:

    I figure that I’ll have enough saved up to buy a Prius by Christmas.

    Not really, since you dropped Penguindrum.

  • Kaisos says:

    I understand how flashbacks are overused in Japanese media, but why, exactly, are they automatically a bad form of storytelling?

    • Aroduc says:

      They’re not automatically bad. They’re a tool and like all literary tools, need to not be wielded like a blunt object. Their strength is that they get to show events instead of telling about them. At least in theory. In anime practice, they’re more often used to cut back to someone’s evil father listing out the reasons why they’re evil. The problem with them is that they cut away from the story in progress. Whenever you do that, you better have a damn good reason for it, whether it’s a cut in time or in space to an entirely different set of characters or events. If there’s any way to do it through the story in progress, that is pretty much always better. The bigger problem more specific to anime is that they’re pretty much always used to retcon in new events, motivations, characters, etc. What’s not said is just as important as what is said. Suddenly rewriting parts of the story is always a no-no, especially in such short ones like most anime.

      All that said, it matters much less in a gag show like this where continuity and plot is more of a suggestion than something needed, but hey, already drowning in the damn things. It would have helped if the segment here wasn’t terrible though.

  • jingoi says:

    Another ep where somehow everyone thinks Tsuda is more perverted than the two girls who keep on talking about his wong?

    I really rather have another season or 4 eps of Ichizon as long as Sugisaki doesn’t end up with only one girl.