Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere #04 — Maids and Mechs

October 22nd, 2011


It doesn’t even seem like a fair fight.


Well, I’m glad that the plot is actually going somewhere, but for this episode, it was completely divorced from just about every character that has had focus in the show to date. The writing for this show has been too busy anyway, but the past few episodes at least picked one or two characters to use as their locus and anchor events around them. This, however, tried to spread it through basically all of the Mikawa characters and it’s simply spread too thin. All of it just ends up being fairly dull posturing with very little actually going on. Simplify and focus. The story needs to be scaled down to a personal level actually affecting the main cast. Horizon/P01-S’s situation being the obvious thing that they’re eventually going to go with, but all the Musashi people are just standing around miles away gawking at explosions and wondering what’s going on. That’s never where you want your story to be.

At least Kazuno vs Generic Mecha was quite good though. Not quite sure how Tadakatsu Honda has an army of maids though. Future Japan is strange.

Posted in Horizon | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • kurokitsu says:

    lol spanish operative system?
    Puerto de la tierra (publico)


  • Kunagisa says:

    I think the maid army’s for Matsudaira Motonobu (Mr. Firework), and Honda just works under him and able to command the robots.

    Also, isn’t quite good an understatement considering I don’t think any other series from the Fall season could be compared to that 1 minute (except for maybe F/Z, but I don’t watch that).

  • The Phantom says:

    Battle maid vs mecha was very good, it seems that is getting serious after this, looks promising, will stick to this until the end.