Guilty Crown #01 — Magical Girlfriends Inc
October 13th, 2011
Why can’t they replace this sack of crap with blondie there?
Ya know… I can imagine better ways to begin than a twenty second silent zoom out of a light house and then cutting away to the protagonist looking angstily at pornography. Actually, almost any way is better than that. Next episode should begin with can-can line of Audrey IIs. That was at least pretty much the lowest point of the episode, but I can’t say the rest was great either, although it did follow up with stills and an idiot lecture right after the opening sequence hook. The biggest problem is that the male lead is once again insufferably worthless. He cries, he’s scared of his own shadow, he curls up in a ball and bemoans how worthless he is, the works. And yet he is the magical child that the world revolves around through his power of clumsily stumbling into wherever the plot dictates he be.
If you leave him aside, which is a massive if since the show revolves around him, everything else is fairly solid though. The story of a worthless boy finding a magical girlfriend and secret powers is still cliched as all hell, but at least he production’s quite good. The CG was… well… CG, and they did have some weirdly placed stills at times, particularly at the end of what should have been the dramatic moment of doofus finally not sucking anymore but was instead a bunch of shots of people staring at light from far away before a kind of corny one-swing kill. After the great job they did with the action choreography in Blood-C, that’s extremely disappointing. Otherwise it was definitely one of the overall best looking shows of the season, if not the best. The music was mostly good too, although that track when Blondie was fighting was made of irritating wailing electric guitars.
Overall though, it was definitely better than average, so I’ll give it another episode or two at least to see where the focus is actually going to be. I want to throttle the needlessly insufferable protagonist already and I don’t think that having POWERS or a magical girlfriend will improve him at all, just make his plot convenience abilities all the stronger and his whining about how he doesn’t understand things all the worse.
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