Spinning Penguindrum #03 — Food, Glorious Food

July 21st, 2011


I hope you’re ready for a lot of curry.


Unfortunately, this episode just spent most of its time spinning its wheels. The Penguin Queen put on a cow costume and chugged milk suggestively, the brothers stalked Ringo more by actually breaking into her house and then ‘comically’ hiding behind the couch, and various combinations of people made curry. That’s… really about it. This episode didn’t really advance anything but the dairy farmer’s agenda, and as sinister as that is, you’ve got a bunch of aliens, penguins, and crazy people in a room together and all that’s going on is they’re nibbling on curry.

It wasn’t until the second half that Ringo’s craziness began to rear its head again with her delusions about Tabuki’s woman, along with Himari’s lack of fashion sense with those hideous hair buns. Then, by the power of bad contrivance, Ringo goes home with Himari for dinner where… a whole lot of nothing happens until the episode ends with us at more or less the exact same spot this week as we were last, only now we know that the brothers have their own set of lockpicks. Glee.

Posted in Penguindrum | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Takebou says:

    Even Higurashi did more in 3 episodes in its first season then what penguindrum is doing.

    But hey, at least penguindrum is going somewhere with its plot.