Steins;Gate #02 — Mewtube, Brought To You By Goodle

April 12th, 2011


Why did this episode feel like 90% bad harem show introduction?


Meh. I still can’t get into this. The episode was less Steins;Grey than the previous one, but the presentation is still completely uninspired. Maybe even moreso now since any of that potential use of color I talked about last week is now gone and most of this episode was spent on Okarin running into what basically amounted to a laundry list of your standard harem archetypes. I don’t even know what it’s doing with its colorization anymore other than having a weird glow coming from the side of the screen in entirely too many shots like there’s somebody holding up a spotlight slightly off screen.

It’s trying to sell itself on premise alone, but is too distracted to even get that right. There’s a murder! And time traveling bananas! But instead of any of that, here’s Okarin carrying groceries, and flirting at the cat-maid cafe, and running into some random new part-time worker. He even lost almost all of his mad scientist energy after Makise taunted him during the lecture. When the show actually does focus on the vaguely interesting parts, the visuals go to absolute crap too, electing to show close-ups of message boards, random white lights flying around, or my favorite a slow zoom-out of the sun. 

What it boils down to is that I prefer presentation to plot and this is all but ignoring it except in the most inconsequential scenes like the bloody cat-maids. The plot itself has some potentially interesting things going for it… maybe. It’s hard to tell with how slowly it is getting to something actually happening and how quickly it drops the interesting things in favor of visiting the local shrine ‘maiden’ to gawk at ‘her.’ White Fox just seems to have absolutely no idea how to make it interesting so has resorted to giving great expositional dumps while turning the visuals over to the interns.

Now to wait for the accusations of having a short attention span to ro— Something shiny outside the window!

Posted in Anime | 35 Comments »

35 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • alex says:

    in ChaosHead in the first half nothing much happened, this could be the same

    • Forte says:

      Never watched Chaos;Head anime. Played Chaos;Head game though. The buildup to the ending was amazing, but I felt the buildup just went like pbbbbbbft and then the end kind of sucked.

      How did the anime mess up what the game did the best!?

      • yuuji says:

        the ending was totally bull, though I agree the buildup was pretty awesome even in the anime.

  • Moogy says:

    At this rate, you might as well just play the game, because the anime sure isn’t doing anything interesting visually to spice things up… I think this is a good example of how a pretty good game can make for a snoozefest of an anime.

    Of course, the game’s visuals are crap too :)

    • Keith Kurogane says:

      The game’s visual is much better than the anime version…
      And I rather play S;G… If Aroduc translates it…
      (I think by the time the anime finishes… The translation of the game is just half way through…)

      • Aroduc says:

        Still not happening!

        I actually don’t like VNs all that much unless there’s some kind of actual game engine attached to them.

        • Keith Kurogane says:

          People can dream right?
          You’re a much better translator than those guys from TLWiki… (/me still miffed that I will buy the English version of ‘My Girlfriend is the President’.)

        • Cudora says:

          I lol’ed at this claim.

  • GF202020 says:

    As a Pokemon Trainer that has a mono-Mew team, I approve of MewTube.

  • Ransom says:

    “…Okarin carrying groceries, and flirting at the cat-maid cafe, and running into some random new part-time worker…”

    You forgot to mention Orakin meeting with a trap and with a denpa onna… XDDDDD

    Chaos;Head started slow and then… Well, the end kind of sucked, but still… This show looks way better than Chaos;Head

    I hope they’ll improve next week and have something actually happen.

  • Nanaya says:

    Chaos;Head needed some more rewrites in general (the visual novel), imo. It didn’t have the plot or pacing needed to pull itself through the girl per chapter style it had, so it started to drag and get tedious by the middle. The entire thing needed to be condensed by at least 1/3 of it’s length.

    Basically, I think it had a good premise to work with, but needed a lot more editing and distilling before it should have been released.

  • Aroduc, are you going to do a first-week wrapup like you usually do?

    • Aroduc says:

      Yeah, although it’s not much of a first ‘week.’ I’m waiting until Friday since there are four more shows airing this Thursday (two noitaminA things, Aria, and Shaft’s other show).

  • Athos says:

    I can’t get enough of this Hououin guy! He’s just so smooth– he pretty much tamed every single person he ran into this episode by playing the corresponding part each time.

    He would rule the world if only his default mode weren’t “MAD WITH POWER”. That’s what makes him so fun to watch, though.

  • Takebou says:

    I didn’t notice the “her” part till I watched the episode.

    I was shocked.

  • Aroduc says:


    20,000th comment.

  • Kaisos says:

    I’ve never figured out how people can be bored with shows that are about time travel and thus have so many potentially interesting things happening.

    • Nanaya says:

      “Potentially” is the key word. Given to the quality of writing in anime/manga over the past few years, it’s a lot more likely for a series to never reach its’ potential, and a lot less painful to not deal with it unless you hear otherwise.

      • Kaisos says:

        No. Anime now is no worse than it was ten or even fifteen years ago. Get your head out of your fucking ass.

        There were always terrible shows and there will always be terrible shows, and this is very probably not going to be one of them if it continues to follow the VN as it has currently done.

        • Nanaya says:

          One, calm down. You’re just making yourself look bad if you get that emotionally invested in a response.

          Two, I didn’t say crap about 10-15 years ago. There are always going to be good series, but what I’m saying is that there is less chance of notably excellent series cropping up as time goes on. There has been a very noticeable change in direction towards be based around fanservice and moeblobs, due to higher sales in that area over others. I can pretty confidently say that around 90% of those series are not known for their quality writing (rounding very optimistically).

          Even then, the better series every season are generally only so-so in comparison to older ones, though this may be attributed to most genres and scenarios already having been played through, making it harder to have storylines that stand out. I would like to find the profit margins of more modern series in comparison to earlier ones, as well as the staff salaries of those times.

          Now go ahead and ignore what I wrote, cuss me out some more in a butthurt fanboy rage and say stuff without explaining what you’re basing it on.

        • Kaisos says:

          Not angry, it’s just that I’ve seen the exact same responses fifty thousand times before.

          Do I have to bring out the charts here? Like, have you SEEN the kind of anime that was aired in the early 90s? Horrible, almost all of it. Fifty+ episode children’s shows, with no substance to speak of. That was the ‘moe anime’ of that generation. It flooded the market. And you know what’s funny? Anime survived. And improved.

          Ah, and regarding fanservice in anime today, have you seen the original Gunbuster? Or anything Go Nagai ever made? Anime was always about tits, just like it was always about overly cute little girls, which predate the current use of the term ‘moe’.

          Basically, what I’m trying to say is that you have your nostalgia goggles firmly glued to your face, and you believe that newer things are always worse than older things, and anyone who honestly believes that anime (or anything, really) has been getting worse and worse since X time (usually when they first started watching) is almost always wrong. The end.

        • Nanaya says:

          Again, I never said anything about “nostalgia goggles” or about only liking older shows. I never said anything about my favorite shows being old ones (they’re quite recent ones actually). Stop putting words in my mouth.

          FakeEdit: boiled down, “they have a market niche and are getting lazy.” I figured you may as well copy/paste your above text below it, because there’s no real way to counter someone’s opinion, especially when they use big, manly words like “the end” which always show that person is in the right.

        • Kaisos says:

          My apologies then. What you are claiming is very similar to what the so-called ‘Anti-Moe’ crowd claims.

          I still think you’re wrong; market niches have always existed and they have always been exploited, and I don’t think that’s a reason that anime is getting worse somehow.

          On what are you basing your assertion that anime is getting worse every year? Because, apparently, nothing is original anymore?

        • amyable says:

          I’m on Team Nanaya. Kaisos’ use of obscenities has offended my sensibilities. I would expect that kind of language at /a/, but not in the comments section of a higher-level, pacifistic, intellectually-nurturing sanctuary such as Tenka Seiha. For shame, Sir.

          Please don’t curse at me in response. It wounds the soul.

  • Alastor says:

    Why is it only the crappiest Nitroplus VN get anime addaptation?

  • Harvestasya says:


  • Forte says:

    I can totally agree with you on the fact the directing is distracted. The last bit of every episode is interesting though, because it finally gets to the interesting parts.

    I don’t know if you’re going to continue with this, but I am! I hope the directing gets more consistent.