Night Raid #06 — “Asians Defeating the Whites…”

May 10th, 2010


Truly a shocking incident.


Well, this was sort of getting somewhere. I liked the teleporter battle once again and they did a bit of a better job in making sense this time around since both of the teleporters were repeatedly shown this time as being disoriented by their jumps instead of seamlessly going from one attack to the next. I’ll take a little retcon in exchange for this stuff making a little more sense. The language of choice this week was English too, which would have been amusing if that whole sequence wasn’t so boring. Apparently the antagonists are out to create some kind of Pan-Asian Superfriends, or perhaps League of Doom. Oddly, the Indian was about the only one who spoke nearly fluently.

Otherwise, meh. Outside of the new characters and short teleporter fight, it was basically just a whooooole crapload of exposition about the glory of Asia. They introduced two more antagonists, some woman from Aoi’s past who is "very powerful" somehow and just wanders around with an umbrella leaving notes telling the protagonists where to go, making me suspect that she’s the illegitimate child of the Penguin and the Riddler. The big-bad also seems to be a telekinetic too… maybe. It’s not really clear. It made the sound of him using his power, and then Aoi fell over. I’m not sure what exactly that means, but I’m hoping for the surprise twist where he can control the latent particles of meatbun in the air that Fuu Lan has been shoving down their throats. Nikumankinesis is a surprisingly deadly power in the wrong hands.

Oh yeah, there was also no preview for next week. No clue what’s up with that.

Posted in Night Raid | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Nanaya says:

    Ahhh, good old borderline-racist ethnocentrism… Been a long time short while day or so since I’ve seen it.

  • Anonymous says:

    no preview because episode 7 will only be stream and not air on tv.

    • Aroduc says:

      Interesting. Sounds like a cheap publicity grab since the vaunted timeslot has been doing horribly.

      • lady says:

        No, it is not a cheap publicity grab.

        It’s because they’re now treading on very sensitive issues (the ongoing controversy over the 1931 Mukden Incident) that most broadcasting stations are reluctant to air. One look at the details of Japan’s involvement, and you’ll know why.

  • karasu says:

    btw, I rewatched Return of the joker, and it was awwwwesome.

    weird dance moves in the future, though, haven’t seen any guy so weirdly even now.