Hidden God #02 — Bad Touching

January 14th, 2010


Oh no, a girl. Cooties!


Sigh. I had hoped this episode would be excellent and the choice between this and KG-A would be easy, but AIC seems content to make it a dead heat. Once again, this episode was dragged down by Hiro being a paintywaisted little twerp for the entire thing. The only way that Isuzu could have thrown herself at him more is if she just pinned him down and had his way with him… and that would have been a marked improvement. Hell, I would consider it an improvement if they replaced Hiro with a tape recorder that just went "DURRRRRRRR" whenever it was his time to speak.

"I’m really hot right now, Hiro-kun. Feel me."

See? An improvement to that scene already.

The rest was also pretty lame and an oh so wonderful example of violating the first directive of storytelling, show, don’t tell. The little argument at the start of the episode was okay, if a bit of a cop-out since we couldn’t hear what was actually said, but the five minutes or so of speculating about the town’s myths that followed that was tortuous. Isuzu’s J-Crew reject brother was also pretty awful, but I’m looking forward to him getting scythed molesting Hiro up in the near future. Seriously, the promo was ten seconds of Isuzu trying to get Hiro to look down her bathing suit and then 20 seconds of her brother molesting him. I’ve got to admit that it made me laugh at least… which I’m fairly sure is the exact opposite reaction they were going for.



Posted in Hidden God | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Nanaya says:

    if she just pinned him down and had his way with him…

    If that were a plot twist instead of a typo, this series would suddenly be a whole lot more amusing.

  • Aex says:

    Can we get to the mystery/horror, already…? So far the scythe girl is the most interesting part. At least make Isuzu freak out and try to eat Hiro or SOMETHING to keep some feeling of mystery going. Nemuru’s dying out there on her own…

  • grunty says:

    Dude, the next episode preview is so ridiculously HOT. Hope we get to some cockeating…

  • Kaisos says:

    This seems paced for two cours rather than one. This is not a good thing.

    Regardless, it should turn out fairly good when more people start dying.

    And, like Higurashi, this really isn’t a mystery. More like a horror thriller.

  • The Phantom says:

    I was going to drop this but due the massive lack of quality ( or at least watchable ) anime series this season I am giving it another go, yea this lacks more suspense and thrill. The half assed male lead here is also getting on my nerves, be a fucking man for gods sake, I just hope that scythe-girl beheads him or something, heck I would really love something like that, hope this thing changes for good, as it is right now is barely watchable.

    • wilson191 says:

      Be patient, judging from the preview and first episode, the male lead will be hunted by everyone…

  • Nanaya says:

    I was just watching the subs that came out for this ep, and started laughing at the classroom scene where everyone was crowded around his desk (again) asking him questions. If that were me, that scene would have been something like:

    “What are your hobbies?” “Not getting mysteriously killed.”
    “What type of gum do you like?” “The safe kind.”
    “What movie do you like?” “NOT children of the corn!”
    “Say something interesting!” “….my backpack and clothes are full of garlic and religious symbols and amulets and silver knives. Just saying.”

  • Solaris says:

    It’s so obviously clear this Jouga Wolf is a kind of werewolf and that every citizen in the city are werewolves and are dying to prey the human newcomer.
    How many episodes do they’ll continue dragging the obvious?