Tomorrow’s Yoichi #07 — Brave Shota Masashi

February 19th, 2009


Nice fujoshisu.


In not-quite-so-subtle T&A 101, look how low slung Ibuki is wearing her bikini bottom. It’s below her hips, creating the unconscious note that she’s in mid-disrobing. This has been your guide to the world of not so subtle titillation.

I’ll get tired of saying this eventually, but not this week. A decent episode, but I’m certainly not going to sing its praises. The fanservice was cranked up to relatively irritating levels. After the first 5 boob jokes in the opening 3 minutes, the next 43 were pretty dull. The Kagome twist at the end was pretty predictable, if still somewhat creepy, and made only creepier by Yoichi having dirty thoughts about it after the fact. Sadly, Washizu didn’t manage to make the trip, so the number of delusions was kept minimal.

The T&C ninjas of the week were completely uninteresting and I won’t dignify them with another word. I’m also not entirely certain how "Yoichi lived in the mountains" equates to "Yoichi can’t swim," especially since the very first time we see him, he’s in the middle of a river. Whatever’s most convenient for the plot, I suppose. I was also surprised that the EVIL SISTER actually looks like an actual ninja. From the shot of her in the limo and her voice/way of speaking, I thought she’d look something more like Tsubasa. Can’t go wrong with the pony tail lady ninja. Hopefully she’ll kill her brother and take the shadowy plotting spotlight away from him.

Oh yeah, and does Angie’s spine look like it’s broken in the eyecatch to anybody else? I don’t think backs are supposed to bend like that.

Washizu’s looking forward to the dojo island vacation with all the beatiful girls. Too bad he thought it was tomorrow when it’s actually today.

On the island, the girls stretch out and relax. Ibuki even invited Angie and Tsubasa along. Tsubasa slips into a delusion about frolicking on the beach with Washizu, but Ibuki tells her that he never showed up. Suddenly, an image of manliness appears.

After scaring the girls with his fundoshi, Ibuki gives Yoichi actual swimming trunks to put on.

The EVIL EVILS spy on them from offshore, and send their two new assassins, specialists in water combat and Tanning World Champions after them.

Ayame is trying to stuff her bikini in the fitting room because everybody else’s chest is huge. She tells Kagome that at least she can count on the shrimp’s support since she should understand. Ayame bikini explodes from all the pads. About then, Yoichi walks in, wondering why he has to change and gets an eyeful of Ayame. She steamrolls him and runs out.

The heterosexual life partner surf duo’s ready to start stirring things up. One of them calls a seagull and then sends it to attack.

Yoichi follows Ayame, continuing to apologize. She turns to yell at him, but the seagull attacks. Yoichi tackles her, accidently groping her in the process. Before she can belt him, Yoichi sees the seagull swoop at Tsubasa. He rushes to protect her, but trips and grabs her bikini bottom. She instinctually ducks the seagull anyway, so little harm is done, although since Yoichi has grabbed her butt, she belts him, to Angie’s delight at her perfect form. The seagull swoops again, and Yoichi tackles Ibuki to protect her.

As expected, he gets a face full of Ibuki. Before she can beat him, the gull attacks one more time and Yoichi pushes her down, getting another helping. This time, she beats him soundly. Angie realized that the seagull was attacking and tells Yoichi that she’ll be keeping guard for it too.

Training begins and the class swims around. Apparently because he lived in the mountains, Yoichi has no idea how to swim. Angie and Ayame go to save him, but get into an argument along the way. Ayame is soundly trounced due to her lack of… buoyancy.

While they were arguing, Ibuki rescues Yoichi, though he nosebleeds from looking directly up into her chest, so she drowns him for real. Chihaya grins from the sidelines.

Masashi and Kagome get into an argument. She refuses to go swimming. As they argue, it comes out that Kagome has recently been refusing to ever go swimming at all. She runs into the forest alone. Masashi tells the others that he’ll get her and chases after her.

Kagome starts to regret running off, but falls into a concealed pit. Masashi jumps in just after her and cushions her fall with his body, but is slightly injured in the process. She bandages his wrist.

Washizu runs off to try to find a way to the island vacation.

Back on shore, everybody’s starting to get worried, so they go into the forest to search as well. It starts to rain, and Ibuki says that she should have paid more attention to Kagome.

The other sisters also admit that they should have and that this is their fault. Yoichi cheers them up and tells them that they have to greet her back with a smile.

Angie and Tsubasa interrupt the moment. They’ve found their tracks. Angie slips from the tree and falls onto Yoichi’s face, crotch first.

In the cave, Masashi admits to Kagome that he chased after her and tried to protect her because he’s worried about her. Up ahead, they see light and run towards it. The cave opens up onto a sheer cliff and Masashi falls off of it, barely managing to grab a tree.

The rest of the group emerges from the cave as Masashi loses his grip. Yoichi immediately dives off the cliff after him, only to pop back up because he has no idea how to swim. The surf duo appear to attack and Angie provides some helpful exposition about them being water specialists etc etc. The duo sends waves at Yoichi. He yells to Ibuki for a wooden sword. She throws one in for him, but the surfers block him from getting it.

In the chaos, Masashi starts to drown and Kagome dives in after him.

She pulls him to the surface and they swim to safety. Chihaya throws in an innertube for Yoichi, and Tsubasa uses starfish as shuriken to give him an opening to reach it.

No matter, the sufers have prepared a huge wave which engulfs Yoichi. Only his swim trunks float to the surface.

Suddenly, a massive waterspout appears with Yoichi standing in the middle in his fujoshi. ("Nice fujoshisu" — Chihaya). He blasts it towards the surf duo and then sends another wind blast at them once they’re caught in it.


And then he starts drowning again until Kagome brings him the innertube.

The EVIL EVILS watch it from their boat in disappointment.

Back on the shore, Kagome gives Masashi a heartfelt thank you for trying to rescue her. Yoichi also thanks her later for saving her, although they all wonder why she didn’t want to swim if she knew how.


Ibuki starts pulling at Kagome to get her into her swimsuit and tears her shirt off. Yoichi gets a face full of Kagome, who apparently already has a bigger chest than Ayame. That’s the real reason she didn’t want to go swimming, because she was embarassed about being busty. Ayame shrieks about the betrayal.

In the evening, the kids play with fireworks. Yoichi wonders to Ibuki why anybody would be ashamed of having boobs, and thinks about faceplanting into Kagome again and goes catatonic.

Washizu’s dream for a ticket to the island collapses.


The forbidden love of the second bananas.

Posted in Tomorrow's Yoichi | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • shuffleair says:

    Angie’s back is like jello. OH YAY!

  • Newprimus says:

    Kagome’s bust should be criminal for one her age, lol.

  • Irie says:

    Should get a good fight scene next episode. Thanks for putting up all those images! It wasn’t a bad arc beginning. Every good harem anime gets either a trip to the beach or hotspring. Good for OVA sales.

  • Shippoyasha says:

    Seriously critiquing a harem show just seems… off. As long as the characters are likable, I think that’s usually more than what harem shows give us.

  • Yue says:

    Trust me, according to the “hair color compatibilty chart”, Ayame~chan looks nice with Yoichi while Ibuki~chan looks nice with Washizu.

  • shio says:

    Shippo, there’s nothing wrong with critiqueing a genre you enjoy in my humble opinion. After all, wouldn’t we all like to find the greatest harem show? :)

  • antonio says:

    other anime idiot

  • Nayuki says:

    Odd change from manga villains. I guess they didn’t feel like hopping right to the stereotypical useless sibling+very useful sibling with a massive complex for the useless one setting.

    Wait, it’s a harem anime. What the hell, why are they avoiding beloved stereotypes!?

    …meh, maybe they’ll show up for more than a little eye-candy in masks after these two tools. Curse you worthless filler villains >.<

  • nerwe says:

    ewww,i hate ayame and yoichi.they suck.
    id rather lyk ibuki and yoichi,
    thyr mor sensible.