A Very British Christmas

December 26th, 2008


The Doctor Who Christmas Special was rather good. I don’t think I liked it as much as The Runaway Bride, but it was a damn sight better than Voyage of the Damned or The Christmas Invasion. It did veer a little towards the over-the-top silly at the end, what with the 50 foot tall Cyberking stomping around, but I’m overall pleased with it. I’m not really as much of a fan of Wallace & Grommit in general (and yes, I already know this special was leaked to the interwebs a couple weeks ago), but it’s nice to see serious animation living on outside of anime and 20 minute US toy commercials. The story was predictable, the villain was predictable, there really weren’t a ton of jokes, and the height of my enjoyment came from the line "I’m in bread too."

Posted in Miscellaneous | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • So what’s with all the Wallace/Grommit pix?

  • Aroduc says:

    Some serial killer going after bakers and her poodle cozies up to Wallace. *shrug*

  • Kraker2k says:

    Poor Dr is so ronrey. I was hoping David Morissey might have taken over as the new Dr, he was quite charismatic in his own way.

  • Omisyth says:

    Surprisingly, giant robots destroying London was the last thing I expected to see in Dr. Who.

  • DiGiKerot says:

    the thing with Wallace and Gromit is that there’s always a ton of pop-culture sight gags you really, really won’t get unless you are British. Not really an adequate substitute for actual humour, though.

    That said, I did find Gromit trying to dispose of the bomb really, really amusing – largely because it was such a blatant reference to the 60’s Batman movie, which was kind of unexpectedly bizarre.

  • hotlolisex says:

    The batman reference was amusing, but I really laughed my arse off when Gromit spotted the Yorkshire border.. absolute genius.

    Never mind the Alien 3 bit.

    In general, not as clever or well written as the Wrong Trousers or the one with the robotic dog, but entertaining enough.