Ga-rei -Zero- #02 — Rocks Fall; Everybody Dies
October 12th, 2008
Is this going to be a recurring theme through the entire show?
We apparently get the cheesy RPG weapons this week, as there was a guy with a team of ferrets, a man with a pair of briefcases with miniguns in them, giant twin black men with pistols, a guy with a giant drill on his arm, and a girl with a katana and some kind of crazy trick gunsheath. I don’t even feel bad for not learning their names since… well… they all keep dying. Everybody fought the giant CG rolling dinosaur again, this time cutting the critter in half before the headcrab zombies swarmed. Of course, just like the end of the first episode, the evil swordsgirl, Yomi, went to town and appeared to kill the main good guy for this episode, her sister, Kagura, (or maybe just close older female friend, who knows) the girl with the gunsheath. The rest of the Team of Ridiculous Weapons seemed to survive, though I wouldn’t be shocked in the slightest if they were all eaten by a grue within the first five minutes of the next episode.
So we’re at two episodes in, the protagonists keep dying. Well, I won’t believe Kagura’s dead until I see a corpse as the show went to black as Yomi swung her sword, and the same goes for the very last guy that got cut down at the end of the first episode, but man… I still really have no idea what direction this show is really going and it feels a little bit refreshing. I also liked the action in this episode a lot more than the first. For all the ridiculous weapons, almost everybody was more of a melee fighter, which is far more interesting to watch than rolling dinosaurs chasing people on motorcycles. So… I guess count me on board for at least another episode, and by this point, I’ll probably be sticking with this one to completion. I’d still love for this show to get an OP so I have any clue whatsoever who I’m supposed to be actually paying attention to here and who will survive beyond one episode.
I’m not sure whether I want to keep covering this or Macademi. Neither is really enthralling me, but neither is that bad either. At the moment, I’m leaning towards Ga-rei, but I guess we’ll see.
Posted in Ga-Rei Zero | 9 Comments »
Maybe there’ll be a red ranger team up near the end of the series?