The Ruler of Nabari #15 — Don’t Shoot Kouichi!

July 13th, 2008


That only wastes your bullets and makes him crazier.


Well, another one of those somewhat bipolar episodes. The first half was pretty decent, but the second half was a series of talking heads that dragged on and on and on. I swear, by the length of his death speech, the principle belongs in opera. I could have also done without the litany of reasons and conditions attached to Koga handing over their secrets to Miharu.For characters that we’ll probably never see again, they sure liked to yammer on at length. That scene at the end where Kumohira yelled like a spoiled little girl at Miharu that he’d never forgive him and Miharu covered his ears was also one of the most immature and lame things that I’ve ever seen. Grow up, you two.

Miharu going All-Nature again was nice and all, but he didn’t actually do much of anything. Kumohira tried sitting on him, but that had a bit less of an effect than Kouichi stabbing him way back when. Somehow though, just when the All-Nature had almost taken over, Kumohira went all misogynstic on her and gave her a nice slap. Misogyny overpowers omnipotent ninja spirits. Good to know.

Of course, the star of the show was Kouichi, who returned to life (not like anybody actually thought he was dead) and for at least a short period, was significantly crazier for it. Sure, getting shot once probably pissed him off, but then he took a half dozen more bullets when he walked in on the evil swashbuckler before taking everybody in the room down. As for what exactly is going on there, that hasn’t been explained yet, but some kind of limited immortality (or mutant healing factor, bub!) is I’m pretty sure the culprit. It still raises the question as to why Kumohira is the ‘teacher’ in their little relationship. One of the two seems to be nigh invulnerable and is actually an accomplished assassin with no qualms about killing others. The other can… dispel other peoples’ techniques. Come on, Kumohira. Even Raimei is outperforming you lately.

Unfortunately, next week looks like we’re back to the angst and Miharu/Yoite BL. Nothing like Miharu taking a big whiff of Yoite‘s scarf to get you pumped up for… you know… never mind. Maybe someone will ‘kill’ Kouichi again and he’ll go even crazier.


Yoite’s hurt and Miharu’s saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Posted in Nabari no Ou | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Sensei-kun says:

    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’s chucky!!!

  • Twirble says:

    I was a little dissapointed, they could have done much more with the Manga materiel. In the manga these weird ghosts come of of Miharu and attack everyones souls…they could have spent over half the episode having fun with that.

    I’m having Kouchi’s baby.

  • Mint says:

    I miss Tasuku. I really wanted to see him animated, dammit. And what happened to Subaru’s flashback that made her seem a bit better than a bitch? And the Banten/Kairoushuu group gymnastics? And Kasa? And there one more scene with Shijima that was one of my favorite parts of Alya, and they cut it… Ack, I really need to stop comparing the anime to the manga. At least Kouichi was EPIC.

  • ZOL says:

    no Kasa ?
    Prepare yourself as a lameass ending is already in sight.

  • kuromitsu says:

    I actually don’t mind that the anime goes off into an original direction (not to mention it was inevitable from the start so I really don’t know why people are acting so surprised over it). I never like it when an anime adaptation just follows the manga it word-by-word (it’s boring), plus there are some things I don’t really appreciate in the Nabari manga, so yeah. Also, I sort of hope the writing will be better when the writers don’t feel the need to follow an already existing story.

  • kuromitsu says:

    Btw why are people expecting Kasa to appear? IIRC even in the manga they only came one volume after the Alya arc ended.

  • ZOL says:

    FYI in the manga they came out AT the end of the Alya arc. It’s not those freaky girls who equal Kasa; it’s those freaky girls and the masked gumen and the assassins who equal Kasa.

    And of course I would appreciate it if they can provide a sufficiently good original story in place of the canon one, but the question is can they ? Hope you remember these guys have a notoriety for puking up retarded endings to wrap up shows based on an ongoing series which they don’t wanna go further than the 26-ep format.

  • ZOL says:

    P/S: And allow me to be skeptical, ‘cuz I can’t exactly say they have quite the talent when they’ve removed a pretty large portions of manga goodies.

  • Twirble says:

    I wish they could have added enough anime original material to make volume 7 last longer. Kouichi’s batter was great but really too short, especially with that wild look in his eyes, I could have taken a few more minutes of that.